Ultrasonic face cleaning

Facial cleansing is one of the most commonly used procedures in cosmetology. Ultrasound facial cleansing has become extremely popular and in demand.

Advantages of Ultrasonic Face Cleansing:

  • During the procedure the skin does not pinch or stretch;
  • The procedure takes much less time;
  • Ultrasound causes the skin to vibrate slightly, thereby massaging it.
  • Ultrasound waves improve blood circulation and increase immunity.
  • Skin regenerates faster and better.
  • Ultrasound in the skin improves collagen and elastin, the protein responsible for its elasticity.

The procedure includes:

  • facial skin cleansing and toning;
  • peeling;
  • ultrasonic cleansing of the face skin (20-30 minutes);
  • Darsonvalization;
  • Anti-bacterial and pore-tightening face mask;
  • Serum application – which soothes, narrows pores and regulates sebaceous glands;
  • Algae face mask;
  • Applying face cream.

Purchasing a treatment course 6x = Price 300 eur

Apply for the procedure by phone. +371 29712149 or on the website electronically


