Red wine SPA ritual (1.p.) (80 min)

A tone-wrapping wine that is saturated with the wine-rejuvenating wonder of the body and with strong concerns for vitality and longer life. Wine along with exotic oils, rich in skin rejuvenating elements, vitamins, and subsequent well-being, will help make the skin soft and smooth, will strive to restore its elasticity by giving glow, sensuality, and mystery.

The procedure includes:

  • Cleansing body wine peeling;
  • wrapping, shower;
  • relaxing whole-body massage with a wine massage lotion;
  • after the procedure – a cup of tea or a healthy drink.
 Result: Tinted, soft, smooth skin.

Enjoy wine magic!

  • We also offer additional SPA for the face (15min) – 20 eur
  • SPA for the face with mask (20min) – 25 eur

70.00 80.00
