The procedure is intended for thick, oily, fine-looking skin with comedones and a tendency to acne. As a result of the procedure, the skin is deeply and coarsely cleansed of black spots and acne, its tone and color improve, the relief is balanced, stimulation of restorative processes and the appearance of the skin improves.
The procedure includes:
Cleansing of the skin from fluff, dirt and decorative cosmetics;
light peeling helps to scratch old skin cells;
With a special moisturizing gel, skin pores are opened;
manual cleaning helps to crush and smooth the pores of impurities and comedones, making the skin smooth and clean;
pore-tightening and soothing mask performs antiseptic and soothing functions by tightening pores, refreshing and moisturizing the skin, restoring its barrier function;
At the end, facial and eye cream are applied with a light massage.